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All India Safety Services

Product Name -
Minimax Cartridge Mechanical Foam Type Fire Extinguisher
Capacity - 6ltr, 9 ltr

HSN Code - 842410
Product Code - AISS

Brief Description -

Mechanical foam (AFFF) Gas Cartridge Type extinguishers are ideal for installation in outdoor environments. These fire extinguishers are preferred in warehouses, petrol filling areas and factories where there is a dual risk of solid materials and flammable liquid fires. They can be used on both Class A (ordinary solids) and Class B (flammable liquids) fires containing materials such as wood, paper and other solid combustibles as well as flammable liquids including petrol and spirits.

  • Ideal outdoors
  • Warehouses, factories, petrol stations
  • Solids, liquids
  • Class A, Class B
  • Cooling, blanketing


Specifications 9 ltr.
Fire Rating 6A 144B
Working Temperature °C +5 °C to +60 °C
Burst Pressure 55/80 bar min., 110 bar (actual) approx
Cylinder Testing Pressure 35 bar for 30 sec.
Min. Effective Discharge Time 15 sec.
CO2 Gas Cartridge 60 gms.
Charge Water with AFFF 6%
